Friday, August 24, 2012

Flowers in the window

I wears: Sleeveless top - Van Heusen; Dress worn as a skirt - Thrifted; Cardigan -Miss Sixty; Bag and shoes - Parisian; Belt - Custom made

This is all I can offer you today because I was in a hurry and it started to rain soon after I started taking photos. We've got two storms coming in which is good for our garden but not so good for our country, having just recently gone through a horrible flooding episode. From last update it seems that one of the storms is weakening, I hope it goes away completely.

On a personal note, I never know how to wear this flower print dress - I falter between getting it tailored to a skirt or keeping it as is. I suppose I should make a post of me wearing it as a dress to gain perspective :)

It's Friday evening now and I'm glad classes have been cancelled for tomorrow (you read right, I've got weekend classes)! To celebrate here's a video of one of my favorite Travis songs that immediately came to mind as I was writing this entry. Have a lovely, sunny weekend where you are!

Much love,

P.S. I've listened to this song for years but have never seen the video, such a random video for such a good song!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Bag Check

As R already mentioned in her post earlier this week, I fortunately survived my midterm exams so here I am with an actual post! Well, a bag post. The OOTDs will have to wait until my eyebags have subsided. The dark circles though, permanent!

I bought this bag just the other day, impulse buy because it was for sale at half off! The size is decent and I can finally stop using my canvas bags for school. Yes, I bring canvas bags to school while wearing my corporate clothes. But look, I'm trying!

  • Samsung Galaxy Tablet 10.1 - Used mostly for internet surfing since I do my case readings on my Kindle
  • Kindle - I was very much against ebook readers before I got one, now I can't deny the convenience a Kindle has brought into my life! I can't live without it :p
  •  Massive case for pens and highlighters, I go through loads of both in a month!
  • Codal - I literally sleep with this blue book almost nightly. I have several other codals which contain different laws, but I have constant use of the Civil Code.
  • Wallet - It's made of camel leather, a gift from one of my dad's staff from when he worked in Mongolia.
  • Jelly red purse - Contains my one and only vice :(
  • Blackberry - Hand-me-down from my sister, this baby is near its end 
  • iPods - Darcy and Rosa. I've had Darcy for nearly five years!
  • r my dental guard - I grind my teeth which causes epic headaches, this is my saviour!
  • Parker Fountain Pen - For when I take my exams/quizzes
  • Fan - Because the weather is unpredictable
  • Compact and lipstick - uber bare minimum of makeup when I'm at school
  • School ID
And there you go! If you're amazed at just how much stuff I can fit in my bag, so am I.

Hope to be back soon with an outfit post!

Much love,

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sunday Girl

Yes, I make good on my promises!

Here's what I wore last Sunday to visit our National Museum with I. Our main purpose was to see the Spoliarium at the National Gallery, but as we found out, the main building was closed for renovations! We ended up visiting the Museum of the Filipino People instead, which was a fun experience. There's always something to learn from the past, and it's always nice to see parts of your culture and heritage on display. After going through all the exhibits, we headed to Intramuros to have coffee at the prettiest Starbucks branch (built right inside the old walls of Manila!) and walk around Muralla Street. Definitely not a bad way to spend the afternoon.

R wears: Black top - Gifted ; Polkadot skirt - Thrifted ; Bag - Longchamp ; Belt - Peacocks ; Black sandals - Forever 21

I bought this blue polkadot midi skirt when we went thrifting in Tagaytay. It was a last minute impulse purchase but I just couldn't help myself! I'm pretty much in love with anything that has polkadots. I'm not a fan of midi skirts but I thought I would give it a try anyway. It's definitely a more practical (and modest) option if you like wearing skirts, especially if you'll be doing a lot of walking outside. I've lost count on how many times I've had my short skirts blown up by the wind. Marilyn Monroe, I am not. This look would definitely be perfect for sightseeing. I'm already imagining taking this skirt with me when I travel. Wishful thinking!

I wears: Jacket - Thrifted Levi's ; Shorts  - 168 ; Red tunic - Gifted ; Sandals - Parisian ; Bag - Thrifted

And here's I, who wants to say that she is still alive and that she has survived her law midterm exams. Hurrah! Maybe she'll get around to posting when she's done studying. Hint, hint!

The five-day weekend is over, sigh. Bright side: only 3 more days until the weekend! x

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Sneak peek.

Feel guilty for not posting here, especially when we set this up again as a "fresh start". Obviously real life has gotten in the way and I haven't had the time to post, let alone take pictures. In the morning I'm always in a rush to start my day and when I get home from work in the evening I'm just too exhausted to even bother. I'm going to try harder though!

So I decided my first entry here will be a "what's in my bag" post. I'm always a little curious as to what people put inside their bags as it gives me a bit of a perspective on their personalities. I figured I'd join in on the fun and give you all a little peek inside mine.

This bag was given to me by my brothers on my last birthday. Well, actually they let me choose my present and they paid for it ;) I was on the lookout for a tan/cognac coloured satchel and when I saw this at Tomato I knew it was the one I was looking for. Almost a year later, it's still one of my go-to bags because it goes with almost everything and it's just the right size to carry my things in. I'm not fond of small bags and those with short handles so this bag is perfect. I also don't worry about it getting wet, which is a big plus especially during the rainy season.

  • Sunglasses - Cheap wayfarers because I seem to break my sunglasses often and I don't deserve expensive ones, ha.
  • Tissue paper - You can never go wrong with having tissue paper in your bag.
  • Bath & Body Works 'Sweet Pea' - One of my favourite scents for everyday use.
  • Hair brush - Which I mostly just use to fix my bangs.
  • Beaded polkadot purse - I've had this for ages and I need a new wallet, to be honest.
  • Ipad (with black and white polkadot case) - My best purchase of the year, hands down. Used mostly for eBooks.
  • Ipod - For long car rides and leisurely walks. (Those earphones are from my Blackberry, btw.)
  • Blackberry- My best friend and worst enemy. I usually bring my charger around as it runs out of battery pretty quick (pet peeve).
  • Pen and notepad - For when I just need to jot down something quick.
  • Coin purse - My friend's present to me from Thailand. Came in handy when I started commuting.
  • Hand sanitizer - Because your hands will get dirty no matter where you go.
  • Make-up kit - Has the essentials I cannot leave the house without.
  • Fan - Because when you live in a tropical country, you'll need it.

Next post will be an outfit one, promise! x